
If you are taking a Masterlanguage course, but are not in possession of a student travel product, you can get reimbursed for your travel expenses. You should apply for this at the end of the course, so all made costs can be reimbursed at once. Masterlanguage only covers second-class train tickets. We can only process completed forms accompanied by the required documents, so please carefully read the instructions on this page.

Please note: the proof of the expenses made is your responsibility. This is to say that you are responsible for keeping track of, and being able to hand in, an overview of the costs you’ve made.


  1. Before submitting your declaration, please obtain the correct WBS element from us by sending an email to
  2. Declarations need to be accompanied by proof of the expenses made. A guide on how to obtain the necessary information from your personal OV chipcard statement can be found here
  3. Submit your declaration through this link:
    1. Fill in your personal and bank details.
    2. Under remarks, type the name of your Masterlanguage course, as well as the academic year and semester. 
    3. For the expense type specification, choose travel and accommodation domestic.
    4. Fill in the correct WSB element, and list as your contact person.
    5. Attach the statement of your relevant OV chipcard expenses. When listing the individual expenses in the form, make sure they appear in the same order as they do on your statement.
  4. All done! If you filled everything in correctly, you will receive the money on your bank account within a few weeks.

Any questions? Please email us at